Integrity Matters

Code of Business Ethics
The Code of Business Ethics applies to all employees and sets expectations for conduct that are consistent with our core values and our ethical standards. It serves as the tool by which our organization communicates its commitment to the expectation of ethics and integrity for our employees as well as our business partners. The code of Business Ethics is intended to provide effective direction about the company’s standards for ethical behavior.
Message to employees
As a global leader in our industry, we have a responsibility to set an example that is beyond reproach. This goes to the heart of who we are as a company and as individuals.
Our culture at GXO is about achieving results through teamwork. We help each other succeed. We’re proud to support our customers, carriers and fellow employees. We’re fair, respectful, lawful and honest. These are the reasons why customers and investors believe in us.
Our Code of Business Ethics and Business Ethics Policies are intended to help you stay true to our culture by providing guidance about a range of situations.
Malcolm Wilson
Reporting Concerns
If you are aware of, or suspect any conduct that violates the Code, policies, or the law, you must report it. Consider reporting it first to your supervisor, your local Human Resources representative or the Ethics and Compliance Office.
Ethics Line
Whether you are a GXO employee, customer, supplier or a member of the general public, you may contact the GXO Ethics Line to report violations of the law or the Code of Business Ethics. The Ethics Line is operated by an independent company, is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and translation services are available. Where permissible under local law, the Ethics Line allows you to anonymously report a concern. Please refer to the chart below for the global Ethics Line telephone numbers.